Wednesday 15 February 2012

The Faces of Mr Head

Say hello to Mr Head.

This was an awesome find for me. My sister had this thing in her bedroom for years until I dug it out. 

It is a CSI facial reconstruction kit. From the TV show, I'm not sure if they make them anymore but I've seen a few on ebay. 

It comes with two large blocks of plasteline which is basically an oil based clay so it doesn't dry out or harden. This means you can remould it as many times as you like and leave it out in the air without any bad effects.

It also comes with instructions on how to apply the plasteline to the head in the best way to make a realistic face.

I'm in the process of making a video that shows how I did it so it should be up within a week or two.

Number 1

This unfortunately is my first creation. Unfortunate because I was trying to make it look like a real face. 

Check out the major cheek bones and sunken eyes, rather skelator like I think. 

Also he needs major lip surgery. 

Number 2 

After Number 1 I decided to go for a less realistic approach. 

This one is based on some masks I saw whilst in Venice, they are all highly decorated with feathers and glitter. I'll make a post later showing how I made some of my own.

I really enjoyed creating the bold features on number two. Most of my artwork (drawings mainly) have been more caricature than realistic so I don't know why I went for real first.

I much prefer Number 2.

Number 3

This was my attempt at a vampire forehead, so ignore the terrible lips and the cheeks.

I mainly just built up the brow and added a crease in the centre.

Number 4

Number 4 is my second attempt at realism. 

I think I got a much better  shape on the lips this time around, but the eye  brows were way too high.

Number 5

This is number 4 improved I have lowered the brow, defined the cheek bones and added those little raises above the lips.

Sorry about the bad lighting.

I'd love to hear any comments on the faces or ideas for new ones.

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